Service analyse de couleurs virtuelle Stylys

Colour analysis

$275  1 day

With this Color Analysis service, make sure you know more about YOUR colours that will bring out YOUR natural beauty... When we wear our colours, our perception of ourselves changes. We see more of what that we love about ourself. People see us differently too because we shine!

  • You will receive by email a complete document including:
    • An explanation of colour palettes and the difference between them
    • The thought process to arrive at your optimal colours
    • Your optimal colour palette (plus colours to avoid)
    • Accessories colours that will suit you
    • Makeup and hairstyle recommendations to guide you towards what could suit you well
    • Look ideas in your colour palette and colour combination possible

Please note that this service doesn't include an appointment together. The spot you book in the calendar is the time you'll get your analysis the latest.
